Encompass has developed Case Studies that provide examples of recent assignments we have completed.

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Department of Labour - Changing Face of Immigration

The situation

The delivery of immigration services is characterised by a largely physical business model that is centred on branch offices, paper applications forms and manual processing. All of which is provisioned on a global basis. Faced with increased operating costs, aging technology, increased demand for services and changing customer expectations, Immigration New Zealand  recognised that an alternate service delivery model was required.

Immigration New Zealand had received Cabinet approval to go to market for a solution to improve the delivery of immigration services, and then report back with the options, costs, benefits and approaches. Encompass Consulting was retained to lead the analysis and develop the Detailed Business Case for consideration by Cabinet.

Our approach

Encompass is experienced at the development and delivery of complex investment proposals for Ministers.  Through this expeirence we had a good understanding of the challenges INZ faced and we were able to put plans and strategies in place to ensure a successful outcome. 

Using the NZ Treasury Better Business Case framework, Encompass Consulting worked with the various groups within the Department of Labour and Immigration New Zealand to assess and develop the analysis required, consult with the various internal and external stakeholders, and ultimately author the detailed business case provided to Ministers.

A feature of our approach was ensuring appropriate engagement both internally and externally, in particular with the NZ Treasury and the State Services Commission. This was achieved through early and regular briefings, as well as the sharing of analysis as it was developed. Encompass was also involved in face to face briefings with the Minister of Immigration and also a briefing to the Ministerial Committee on Government ICT.

The result

The Detailed Business Case was finalised in the required timeframe and approved by Cabinet with funding set aside for the recommended option, Immigration Global Management System (IGMS). Following this key step in the process, Encompass Consulting was further retained to develop the Implementation Plan for approval by the Responsible Minister.